Welcome to TCM Acupuncture Perth!
Experience the natural approach to health through Traditional Chinese Medicine and rebalance your body in the most gentle way possible.
TCM Acupuncture Perth offers a range of natural services: In addition to acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, we also provide cupping, moxa, and electroacupuncture treatments to support your health journey right here in North Perth.
A qualified and accredited Chinese medicine practitioner will work out an individualized treatment plan for you.

Discover the Natural Approach
Our Services
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture involves inserting tiny sterile needles into specific points along the body to remove blockages, tonify, and promote healing.
Additional techniques like cupping, moxa, or electro-acupuncture may complement the treatment.
Chinese herbal formulas can be purchased to enhance the effectiveness of the overall treatment.
Chinese Herbal Treatment
Chinese herbal therapy utilizes potent herbal formulas rooted in the ancient principles of Yin and Yang.
These formulations are designed to rectify the energy equilibrium within your body, facilitating the natural healing process.
Cupping-Only Treatment
Gently release muscle tension and tight fascia with glass cup suction treatment;
Allow stagnant Qi (Energy) and Blood to flow again;
Standing (leaves cupping marks) and sliding cupping (no marks) available
Meet Farida
B.h.Sc. (Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine)
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner for:
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Dispensing
Registered Member of:
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA)
Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA)